I am finally able to post pictures of the cake that we did last weekend. And I say "we", because my husband actually did most of the work on this one. I'm teaching him well. I really enjoy the time that I get to spend with him while decorating cakes. He is by my side through every cake that I make. I keep trying to get him to go into business with me, but he isn't as passionate about cake decorating as I am. Even though he is extremely talented at it.
I am really pleased with how this cake turned out. (BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO GET A BETTER LOOK AT THE DETAILS) I had never made a big bow out of fondant before, and it really was the highlight of this cake. It took four days to make, and it was fun to take on the challenge. Here are some pictures of the progress of my bow.
How To Make A Fondant Bow
I started by rolling out the fondant to about 1/8 inch
thickness. Next I cut it into 1 inch strips.

I hung the strips over a wooden dowel, to shape them into a loop. I painted the ends with water and pinched them together.

Then I painted each loop with a shiny, red luster dust.

I found a plate that was about the same size as the bow that I needed, and covered it with waxed paper.

I made a royal icing and colored it the same color as the bow. I started by putting a big glob in the center of the plate.

I placed 7 loops on the bottom layer. I know the picture only shows 6, but I added one later.

After the first layer dried a little bit, I put another big glob of royal icing in the center.

And proceeded to add more loops...

....and still more loops.

I added more and more layers of icing and loops until the bow was complete. It was very fragile, and I wish I had another day or two to work on it. Next time I will start the bow a week in advance, which will give it a little more time to harden. But I was very pleased with the end result.
A big THANK YOU to Krissy for letting me be a part of your wedding!