Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ashley's Cupcake Decorating Birthday Party

Ashley had an AWESOME birthday party this weekend!
We had a great group of kids, and we kept things simple. We had the kids do some balloon relay races. They also got to take a swing at a pinata.
The big attraction of the party was cupcake decorating. They had so many choices to make! They could take a strawberry, white, or chocolate cupcake.
They could top it off with strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate frosting.
The many toppings were endless. The kids could choose from M&M's, Dots, Candy Corns, Gummy Bears, and Chocolate chips.
And every child likes sprinkles, right?
Here they are making their creations.
And the pictures say it all......

And yes, I even made one!
What a great day! Happy Birthday Ashley!


Emmy said...

Cute cute! And how did you survive with all of those kids? You must be a super mom.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lont of fun. You are one awsome mom

Rob and Jill said...

What cute kids!!! Thanks for the great party. The kids had a great time, and I ate way too many sweets. I love the pictures of the kids with their great creations.

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Ashley. Sorry the girls couldn't come!

Kim said...

SUPER FUN!!! Happy Birthday Ashley :)

MrsLavendula said...

this looks like a great activity for a children's party!

Anonymous said...

What fun cupcakes! I would have loved to eaten them!! Happy late birthday Ashley, it looks like you had a ton of fun!

Rachel said...

How fun!!

Erika033n said...

WOW, I love it. I though a cupcake decorating party would be perfect for my almost 8 year daughter (this Jan), but had NO clue how to go about it. I have been searching the web for ideas and thankfully I found yours! I must tell you, your idea of keeping it simple is GENIOUS!! Thank you so very much for sharing!!