Saturday, June 12, 2010

Old McDonald Had A Farm Cake



(I know, they kind of look like ducks!)



This is the cake that I've been working on.

Cute, isn't it?

This cake was made for Ryan's 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Inderrieden, who we absolutely adore.  She had a family reunion this week for the McDonald Family.  The theme of the reunion was "Old McDonald Had a Farm".  What a cute idea, huh!  Well, this cake was a lot of fun to make, and it was made by my whole family.  The kids got involved making fondant animals.  Erin made the chicken and baby chicks, which turned out great.  Jim made the cows and the horses, and I made the pigs and the sheep. Adam helped by eating some of the fondant.  If you look closely in one of the pictures, you'll see an over-sized rooster that Ryan made.  We only put it on for pictures.

The sheet cake and the barn were both carrot cake, with a cream cheese filling.  We made the silo with Rice Krispie treats.  I made the fence posts out of modeling chocolate, but realized afterward that I should have just used big Tootsie Rolls.  Oh well, they turned out really cute.

We were really proud of this cake when it was done.  The kids begged me to wake them up early so that they could see their creation one last time before it went out the door.  Thanks to Mrs. Inderrieden, for giving my family something fun to do this week.  This cake was a lot of fun!


Kim said...

Lynette! That is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!!!

Heidi said...

Love it! :)

Courtenay Beth said...

Oh CUTE!!!!!!! I love it! Holy cow (I am so "punny" right?) I am so impressed! What a FUN cake!!! I bet Mrs. Inderrieden (sp??) LOVED it!!! Well done!

Emmy said...

That is the cutest cake I have ever seen! Great job

Rob and Jill said...

Absolutely adorable! It's like edible Little People farm. What fun!!!

Anonymous said...


~Sherry (Bear) and Stephen (Wolf) said...

That is really cute! I bet they loved it!

Anonymous said...

I love it, what a fun cake.

toni said...

so cute!-as usual. Way to go kids! Looks like cake decorating runs in families. Too bad I'm not blood related!

Lindsey said...

This cake is adorable! So much fun!

Terri said...

What an awesome cake! One day I'd like to help with a cake decorating session...or at least watch! You're amazing!

Lori said...

Wow! What a cake. Excellent job, as always!!!

Elaine said...

These are SO amazing.

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Jessica said...

That is so adorable! You guys are awesome!

chow and chatter said...

wow awesome cake you are very talented

Melissa Halvorsen said...

Oh my heck, Lynette! This is ADORABLE!

Victoria Hayden said...

I love this cake!! Too cute on all the fondant animals and are so talented!! I am sure she loved it!


Anonymous said...

What an adorable cake!I came across that is giving away some of Kerry Vincents favorite decorating tools!
I saw this and was so excited.

Anyways if anyone is interested all you have to do is sign up here -

They pick winners monthly! Good luck!! I am trying to win myself!

rachel said...

I need one of these made for my sons 1st birthday party march 2nd!!