Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ashley Turns Seven With The Painted Otter!!!

Do you remember a couple of years ago when I posted about a Cupcake Decorating Birthday party?  Well, we did it again!  Ashley had another AWESOME birthday.  She was able to share it with so many of her good friends.  

At this party, the kids were able to use their creativity to decorate cupcakes and cookies.  They had so many options to choose from!  Pink, white, or chocolate cupcakes and sugar cookies (some regular, and some gluten free).  Chocolate or white frosting.  And oodles of candy to top them with.  All of the creations were unique and delicious!

The highlight of the party was Melissa from THE PAINTED OTTER!

Melissa is a super talented artist who just started her own face painting business.  I can't even put in to words how amazing her work is.  Not only does she paint well, she is really good with kids.  All of these little girls were so excited to get their faces painted.

She puts in so much detail.

And each design was unique....

.....and colorful.

Some had creatures...

...and some were just plain cute!

This party was a big SUCCESS!


Right now The Painted Otter is having a drawing for a free deluxe Halloween face paint job.  It is a $20 value!  Alright my friends, all you have to do is like "The Painted Otter" on Facebook or subscribe to The Painted Otter's Blog.  I would love for you to enter, and so would Melissa.


  1. Thank you so much for having me, Lynette. Your kids were a blast to paint, and I hope I get to work with you again.

  2. Super cute! My girls loved showing everyone their face.

  3. I tried to send you a message on FB...I can't find you anymore...anyway, we have not forgotten about Ashley...we have just had a really crazy last couple of weeks...we will get over there with her present. Her party looks like it was super fun, and Libby was so sad to miss it...she ended up not being able to go to either of the parties that day...we'll talk when we come over. Just know we haven't forgotten. :)

  4. hello thanks you for the helpful information

  5. You are very talented! Keep up the Great work!
