Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Bread Cornucopia

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity of hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at my house. I was thrilled at the chance I had to decorate and get ready for such an event. I decided to make a Cornucopia out of bread to hold my home-made rolls. It was a little tricky to make, but in the end it turned out really cute and was well worth the effort. If any of you are feeling adventurous this year, I will post the instructions so that you can give it a try. I wish I would have taken step by step pictures as I made this, but unfortunately I wasn't a blogger back then. Hopefully you can do it with just the instructions. You can also email me if you have any questions.

Bread Cornucopia

Ingredients and materials:

Aluminum foil
Vegetable oil
2 loaves of frozen bread dough (I used my own bread dough)
Egg wash (used as paste)
Cooking brush

Wrap a colander with aluminum foil and spray with vegetable oil.

Let the frozen dough thaw (but not rise), then roll one over the colander. Use egg wash as a paste to attach the bread around the colander. Once it's attached, egg-wash the entire surface.

Cut the other loaf of bread dough into strips. Lay the strips of dough from the top to the bottom and tuck inside the colander. Lace the cornucopia with the dough strips, basketweave style.
Egg-wash the complete surface again and twist the bottom together. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

**This portion is just for show, not to be eaten.


  1. AMAZING! and BEAUTIFUL! Oh and Derek found our was in the Price's backyard and it had laid an egg! Stupid bird!

  2. That is awesome!!! Seriously incredible.

  3. I remember that! It was awesome- even more awesome in person. You are amazing.

  4. Wow! That is so beautiful! I don't know if I have the courage to try it, but it just may happen! Thanks for your fantastic Thanksgiving idea!

  5. Looks great! I linked this to my Thanksgiving cornucopia website. I'm going to cheat a bit and try one with breadstick dough this year.
