Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cake and Cookie Decorating Birthday Party

I got asked to teach cake decorating at a birthday party last night!  I was totally in my element, not only with the cake decorating, but I love to hang out with the young girls. They are always so much fun to be around.  I guess it makes me feel young again.  My daughter was invited to this party and came home saying it was one of the best parties she had ever been to, so that was great to hear.  I think everyone had a good time.  I know I did.

At the beginning of the party, each girl got to paint a pot in bright Spring colors (since it was the first day of spring).  They got pretty creative, and the pots were all very cute and unique.  It was fun to see their personalities come out while painting.

While the adorable pots were drying, the girls were given aprons to decorate.  All cake decorators need a good apron!

The girls even posed for a picture sporting their new aprons.

Next, I showed them a few cake decorating techniques using a delicious buttercream frosting, and various tips.  I taught them a lot of the basics.

I had sugar cookies on sticks for them to decorate.  They all did an AWESOME job.  It was fun to see how different all of the cookies were.  There sure was a lot of giggling going on.

The end result was phenomenal!  The cookie bouquets turned out really well, and everyone had a great time.


  1. It looks like you guys had a blast! I wish we could have stayed! The cookie bouquets are adorable.

  2. That is such a cute idea!!! The girls look like they had a blast.

  3. Those are so cute! What a great idea for a party! It looks like loads of fun!

  4. How fun! What a creative party, and what creative girls. I love the bouquets! Did you make the cookies on a stick?

  5. That does sound like a fun party! It looks like the girls enjoyed themselves.

  6. That is SO FUN! I wish it was Kaitlyn's bday coming up so we could do that. I doubt Trey and his buds would want to make flowers. :O)

    Hey, thanks for your nice comments on my blog too! You are so sweet!!

  7. How cute is that!!! Did you make those cookies with the sticks already in them? They are darling!

  8. Jill and Joan, the cookies baked with the sticks in them. I just bought the Wilton cookie treat pan and Wilton Cookie sticks. They were so easy and so much fun! You will have to give it a try. I have a link to the pan on my blog.

  9. What a great idea. I was thinking of suggesting something for my niece - although I have limited decorating tips to share, but she is only 5 so I think I am ok!

  10. Oh my gosh! That picture of the girls posing with their aprons reminds me so much of a picture I have of me and my cousins at her birthday party. We are all making the same poses! It's weird how much the photos are similar (minus the aprons, of course)!

    It looks like everyone had a blast :)

  11. Thats such a great idea for a party or just for the heck of it. :) I really like your site, your really great at decorating. :)

  12. Wow that looks so awesome! I found your blog off Google, and thanks for having me on your blogroll! I enjoyed seeing your cake skills, I used to do that but it took too much time for me. You make some beautiful cakes!

  13. This looks like the perfect idea for my daughters 8th birthday. I can't wait!

  14. these are ALL beautiful! what fun you must have making them, and eating them.
    i can't wait to see what new things you post! thanks for sharing :D

  15. I love this. I found a great program that could widen your decoration skills and make your treats look like professionals just click below:

  16. Hi there, I am looking for a similar birthday party for my 8 year old daughter. do you know if you or anyone else that you may know of can come to our house and help to host a cupcake decorating birthday party please in PHOENIX Area ?!
